Thursday, March 20, 2025

Missouri CCC camps in Mark Twain National Forest

I just stumbled across a wonderful map of Missouri CCC camps in Mark Twain National Forest on Google created with MyMaps. 

You can click on a site marker for more information about the specific camp. All of these Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camps existed from 1933-1942 except one that cannot be located, which is the Hendrickson CCC Camp. Many camps still have remaining cultural features intact at the site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ozarks History Archives at Ozarks History Archives stores files on every single camp listed including photographs, newspaper articles, and camp records. You can also contact the archives via PO Box 477, Willow Springs, MO, United States, Missouri 65793 or (417) 252-3361.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Vlog Recommendation...Rock On Van Life


We recently found the Rock On Van Life channel on YouTube and are enjoying a number of the videos. 

The vlogger, Christine, offers a variety of content and we particularly appreciate her videos showcasing various campgrounds and trails. 

Videos also prominently feature Esther, her 1997 Dodge Roadtrek 190. The vlog currently offers over 60 videos and Christine promises more upcoming adventures!

The latest video features Nerstrand Big Woods State Park in south central Minnesota.

Quick Analysis of RV Shipments in 2024

 Data from the RV Industry Association’s monthly survey of manufacturers for December was recently posted. The total RV shipments of 333,733 in 2024 were 6% higher than in 2023 and exceed the forty-four year average (1981-2024) of 295,146 units shipped. 

In 2024, shipments were well below the peak of 600,240 reached in 2021 and the 2024 shipments are still higher than was experienced through the 1980s and 1990s.

You can see in the chart below that most of the volatility arises from Towable RV shipments. These include four categories [travel trailers, fifth wheels, folding camping trailers, and truck campers]. Motorhome shipments have been more stable in recent years and include those from the larger Class A's and C's, as well as, the Class B vans. 

While the motorhome shipments have been relatively stable overall, there is more variability month-to-month when looking at the subcategories. Class C's are the largest of the three categories. And, Class A shipments historically exceeded those of camper vans. Though this latter pattern changed in late 2021 and since then, more Class B's are shipped each month. 
While relatively small when compared with other categories, Class B shipments of 8,349 units in 2024  are several times larger than the 2,123 units in 2012 or 2,177 units shipped in 2013. 

Also, where Class B's represented roughly 7% of motorhome units shipped from 2012 through 2016, they peaked at 29% of motorhomes shipped in 2022. And, while a bit lower, 23.9% of motorhome shipments in 2024 were Class B's.

Comment below if you have any insights and observations or have questions and suggestions. While we are longtime campers, I do not work in the RV industry. I initially pulled together the numbers as a Covid lockdown project and maintain them now as a hobby.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Walking at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park

 We enjoyed a lovely morning walking yesterday at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park

We walked the loops on the Grassland Trail and Karst Trail. After lunch, we then walked a short distance counter clockwise from the Gans Creek Wild Area - Wagon Wheel Trailhead.

I quickly created a short video clip that you can view on YouTube, Walking at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park.

You can also visit AllTrails to view maps of our routes. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Late September Hiking at the Prairie Garden Trust

We enjoyed a lovely fall morning walking at the Prairie Garden Trust near Fulton & New Bloomfield, MO. Rain was predicted and we worried a bit about muddy trails with all the rain we have been receiving. Fortunately there was no rain and the trail surfaces were good.

PGT welcomes visitors to stroll around the PGT April through October. They ask that you let them know a day ahead if it’s your first visit to the area. Contact information and maps are available on their web site.

You can click on the photo above or use the following url to see a short video compilation of photos.

You can also see more details on our PGT walk at AllTrails.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blog Recommendation...Slow Sally & Crew presents a Realistic Picture of Class B Travel


Slow Sally & Crew is an interesting blog for those who own or are interested in vintage Class B van life. Nat and Marc are a Canadian couple traveling in a 1994 Dodge Roadtrek. They travel throughout North and Central America with their dog,Walter. 

Their most recent post, "Vanlife: the Mundane, the Bad, and the Ugly," is especially good. It was posted on February 17, 2024 and offers interesting details from their travels that present a more realistic picture of what happens when a couple and their dog take off for adventures.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

RV Shipments for 2023

Data from the RV Industry Association’s monthly survey of manufacturers for December was recently posted and the numbers continue to reflect weakness in the industry.  

RVIA reported that RV shipments through December 2023 with 313,174 units, a decrease of (-36.5%) compared to the 493,268 units shipped in 2022 and a decrease of (-47.8%) from peak shipments of 600,240 at the end of 2021.

You can see in the second chart that towable RVs, particularly travel trailers with almost two-thirds of shipments (65.6%), make up the bulk of RV shipments in 2023. 

Together, conventional travel trailers plus 5th wheels comprised (82.7%) of all RV shipments in 2023.

Motorhomes represented 14.6% of RV shipments in 2023 and Class Cs account for just over one-half of the motorhome shipments (52.6%). 

Class B or van campers surpassed Class A shipments in 2023. The overall Class B shipments of 11,932 in 2023 represent (3.8 %) of all RV shipments. 

Class B shipments in 2023 represented (26.0%) of all motorhome shipments, a decrease from the peak of (29.1%) of motorhome shipments in 2022.

While relatively small when compared with other categories, Class B shipments are over 5 times what there were back in 2012. 

Comment below if you have any insights and observations or have questions and suggestions. While we are longtime campers, I do not work in the RV industry. I initially pulled together the numbers as a Covid lockdown project and maintain them now as a hobby.